Rhema is a two (2) year Diploma program.
1st enrollment classes usually start in September and they end in June . A typical academic year is August/September through June/July
2nd enrollment classes usually start in January and they end in August. A typical 2nd enrollment academic year is early/late January through August/September.
Your 1 st year you will complete 24 courses: Examples- Faith, healing, righteousness, blood covenant, redemptive realities, O.T. & N.T. Survey, etc.
Your 2 nd year you would take another 24 courses: Examples- Life of honor, submission and authority, angels and demons, pulpit speech, etc.
We have two (2) programs: Both Weekday and Weekend.
Our weekday students meet Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30 am- 1:00 pm.
Our weekend students meet every Saturday from 7:30 am – 5:00 pm and every Sunday from 2:00pm - 7:10pm
The cost of the 1st year program is GHS 3,000.00
The cost of the 2nd year program is GHS 3,700.00
This cost includes the application, registration, school fees, I.D. badge, school shirt and graduation fees (for 2nd year students)
No, to begin the registration process you need to:
1. Purchase your form- GHS 50.00
2. Registration fees are due on or before the registration deadline- GHS 550.00
3. Once you start school your 1st-year balance will only be left with GHS 2,400.00.
This can be broken down into 6 monthly payments of GHS 400.00 until you’ve cleared your balance.
No, Rhema is recognized in Ghana, as it is a registered ministry, but it is not accredited and therefore, your courses cannot be transferred to another university in Ghana for credit.
Yes, however, it’s not automatic. After graduating we ask that you join our Rhema Accra Alumni family. Upon a period of active standing in the Alumni association you may then apply to be considered for ordination.
1. Fill out student application form at: www.rhemaaccra.org/enroll-now
2. Send minimum of GHS 50.00 for processing of Application form to Rhema Accra’s merchant line: 0596325775
3. From the information you provide on your application form Rhema Accra will send out (2) recommendation forms on your behalf. One pastoral and one personal.
4. Submit a soft copy of your passport photo (we will ONLY accept photos that were taken at the photo studio) to Rhema Accra’s WhatsApp line: 0549292112
5. Submit a 1 minute video (guidelines below) to Rhema Accra’s WhatsApp line: 0549292112 Video Guidelines:
A. What is your First name and Surname
B. When and where did you get born again?
C. When and where did you get filled with the Holy Spirit (with the bible evidence of speaking in an unknown tongue)?
D. How did you hear about Rhema/ Rhema Accra?
E. Why do you want to attend Rhema?
6. Send your registration fee of GHS 550.00 via mobile money to Rhema Accra’s merchant line: 0596325775 Last Revision: Sep 22, 2021
7. Rhema will process the information above and follow up with (a) an acceptance letter or (b) a request for more information or a follow up interview, if necessary.